Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sourcing Products to sell on Amazon

When I started selling items on Ebay 10 years ago my biggest issue was finding products that I could sell for profit. That problem is solved these days as most of us are selling on Amazon. We are able to find products online that sell for good profit using all the tools and resources that are available to us.

There are products all around us that are profitable all you have to do is either find someone who is willing to share them with you(usually for a fee) or find them on your own. I have actually joined pretty much all of the sourcing lists because I like to try everything and see what is out there. I really enjoy being in the know about who is putting a quality product out there.

Everyone needs to read Chris Green's book Online Arbitrage its an absolute college course for anyone looking to go from no knowledge to being able to do online arbitrage. The book isn't cheap, but you will be making your money back in no time. I have no affiliation with him, but that is where I really started becoming much better finding items.

I decided in the beginning of 2015 that I wanted to not only be an expert at online sourcing, but I wanted to feel that I was the best. I read everything I could, usually more than once trying to absorb. I joined all the best people that I could find trying to see what they see in products. I wanted to get to the level where by the time they had posted links to profit I had already found those items.

I feel like I might be one of the few people that really enjoy sourcing online. I love being the one to find the shoes that you can double your money on, but after a while I was sitting here with lists I had compiled, and felt like I needed to share them with people. I mean here is profit just sitting here, and it's just a spreadsheet on my computer.

Making money on Amazon is a great way to support anything you want in life. If you only wanted to do it on the side, you could make some great side income from it. If you can put together something like a source to find profitable items with and then a prep center you can basically just press buttons and bring home profit. How amazing is that?

My goal is not to make a ton of money off these lists, and I also don't want to sell too many of each list and devalue it, but I feel like bring the lists to the market is a good thing because it's valuable information and shouldn't just be sitting on my hard drive wasting away.

Here is the link to my page

I basically share the items I find when I am out sourcing products either thrifting or retail arbitrage, but I also share all of my publicly available sourcing lists also. I am not big on marketing so there are not too many people that know about my lists, but I'm hoping that the fact that I try to find the best possible items with the most return on investment will help spread the word. I absolutely buy things from this list, but don't worry I am nobody to worry about because I don't go too deep and I keep my prices pretty high lol.

I am working on a course that will teach people how to successfully source online, and create better margins using gift cards and cash back. There is so much to learn, but it's all very simple. I am one of the few sellers who still does a little bit of everything because I truly enjoy everything about selling online.

I do actually have a sourcing group, but it is completely full. All the lists are items that extra items of equal quality they are not shared with the people in my group. They have so much to buy already with the items I give them that they don't need them.

Thanks for listening, and I look forward to your success!

Chad Henning - The Profit Junkie

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